Attention Performing Team!!

Dear all,

my email is faulty today so i can only type through blog. Please go and look through the list and discuss which 2 songs you all have decided on by Tomorrow, 2nd September 2009, not very nice to waste time and your money to discuss it during lesson so please cooperate.

Below are the song titles you all have come up with last week during lesson:

1 男佣
2 第四者
3 纯真
4 迷魂阵
5 失落沙州
6 不死心还在
7 阳光宅男
8 时光机
9 第一天
10 海芋戀
11 疼愛

1 哲学家
2 喜欢你
4 一个人生活
5 你是爱我的
6 失落沙州
7 808
8 下雨天
9 我要飞
10 笨女人
11 維多利亞的愛

We'll download the -1 for you for all the songs so yup. please decide by tomorrow. I'll ask for the 2 songs from you all during warm up tomorrow. =)

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