Esprimere Freshman Chalet 2008
Sat 16th Aug 08
Then we kicked off with our 1st ice-breaking game: THE NAME GAME
This was quite an exciting game since we have to keep passing a small balloon till it burst, there were many times where ppl trying to sabo each other..(etc YongFa, HongXin, ZhenCong..Haha)
Around 130pm, we break off for lunch at Down Town East.
And after lunch, We awaited more of our freshies to arrive. (YAY!!! more ppl for our group games le..)
We began our 2nd part of the games....
But firstly let me introduce our Team and their members.
PowerPuffGirls - Wei Shan, Fiona, Zhen Cong, Trevor, Michelle, Boon Wei, Wendy, Adeline
Singaholics - Lynn, Shina, Weiliang, Kelly, Hong Xin, Zong Xi
Scribblers - Susanne, Hui Qi, Pei Wen, Jessie, Marcus, Ben
Our 3rd Game : Name the Song
Some popular songs was distorted, and freshies are required to guess the name of those songs.
Scribblers was vry gd in this section im guessing they likes to listen to musics all the time. So in the end Singaholics and PowerPuffGirls lost and have to abide to our forfeit..Haha
Our 4th Game : Reaction Game
A game where we showed our freshies a pic of a hand drawn of hands depicting some actions using both hands. Freshies are then required to do the action and if can not, they are required to cross their arms or raise their hands.
Our 5th game: The Balloon Game
This game objective was to attack the other groups base while defending our own base.
So sad.. so sad..Scribblers was outright attacked by both Singaholics and PowerPuffsGirls(No way to retaliate ar)....HAHAHA But anyway the winner goes to SINGAHOLICS lahz.(The best group for the day....Im so bias.. HAHAH!!!)
Scribblers was treated to a Sour Juice which consists of Fresh Lemons, Lime, Sour Prunes, Vinegar, Sprite with an ending topping of whipped cream. YUMMY!!!
Then we headed back to chalet for wash-up...(no one wash up in the end) and we awaited the start of our BBQ ...
Around 930pm, the whole club headed over to Pasir Ris Park to our very own BBQ-Campfire to perform a group singing. And we had a special PK singing section by Wei Liang, Peiwen, Trevor, Yong Fa (trying to be 蕭敬騰) and lastly Darryl.
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